
Showing posts from October, 2017

Adjust The McAfee Firewall Settings So That It Doesn't Block the Printer

McAfee antivirus software is specially designed to keep you document and files safe and protected from the eyes of hackers. It is a complete security suite which comes with its own Firewall that acts as the filter between your computer and the network. It is the Firewall that scans all the incoming and outgoing traffic and matches with its own criteria. If the packet matches the rules of the firewall then it allows it, otherwise blocks it from accessing your internet. Learn more about Firewall settings from antivirus experts by dialing McAfee Phone Number UK . It not that Firewall always work in your favor, there are times when we have observed that it blocks the access of other hardware like Printer. Whenever you try to print a document, your Windows try to set up a connection with the printer. If McAfee considers this connection as unsafe then it will not allow it. To allow your printer, print freely without any blockage you will need to open the Firewall settings for it. You...

Basic Tips to Make Your Online Life More Secure

Internet has become an important part of our day to day life, we spend hours online. But do you think you are safe when working on internet. Crime not only happens in real life, crime can take place even on internet and these days many young mischievous people are just looking for one opportunity to harm you and your device. Scams, malwares and hacking have made the internet a dangerous place . Thus, it becomes necessary to have a powerful internet security in your device and McAfee fulfill that need of your perfectly well. But in spite of having McAfee in your device you still have to take some security measures to reduce your exposure from online threats. You can learn about internet threats and their prevention from experts on McAfee Helpline Number UK . But for now let’s get started with some basic tips to keep you safe. 1.        Always Create Strong Password : Whether you are using email, online banking or any antivirus, make sure...